Blog Archives

Into the Now. Performance on theory, politics and history (2017)

The video is a punctuated string of visuals and documents by Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid ordered to better understand the speculative disaster by financial capital in the present. The paths are two, one is historical and the other lies in the possibility for analyzing contemporary forms of racism and processes of racializations that are — which are within Europe and the rest of the world — hidden behind the financial capital disaster crisis…

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Zgodovina, seksualnost in politični video

Intervju Kristine Božič z Marino Gržinić, filozofinjo in umetnico Institucije in ne ljudje so danes subjekti naših držav, pravi filozofinja dr. Marina Gržinić Mauhler. Znanstvena svetnica na filozofskem inštitutu ZRC SAZU že 14 let predava konceptualno umetnost tudi na dunajski

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“What Matters is Revolution at the Historical Moment of Radical Contemporaneity”: Interview with Marina Gržinić

by Raino Isto (College Park, MD) Since 1982, Marina Gržinić has collaborated with art historian Aina Šmid on over 40 video art projects, including independent video documentaries, television productions, and media installations. A new show of the duo’s work, Radical

Posted in ARCHIVE, interviews, news

RADICAL CONTEMPORANEITY – Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid 35 years of work revisited (1982–2017)

download flyer in pdf>> RADICAL CONTEMPORANEITY Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid: 35 years of work revisited (1982-2017) Curator: Aneta Stojnić KUNSTRAUM LAKESIDE Lakeside B02 9020 Klagenfurt, Austria Opening: 11.05.2017, 18.30h Into the Now, performance by Marina Gržinić and Aneta

Posted in ARCHIVE, leaflets, news

East: bodies, borders and zonification (2016)

by Tjaša Kancler

The European unification, as Philomena Essed argues, has been foremost a project of whiteness. In a time, when it is said that Eastern Europe no longer exists, when Western Europe is also named “former”, the process of disappearance of certain borders implies its simultaneous multiplication and conversion into zones, border regions or territories. East is today operating as one of them. How, then, the way we conceptualize Europe changes if we rethink the silenced colonial/imperial history of European migration politics through the West-East relation of repetition, together with the coloniality of gender, the control of subjectivity and knowledge, the most extreme forms of exclusion and politics of death today? What potentialities for resistance are coming out from such analysis?

Posted in ARCHIVE, articles, news

Ljubljana: Nasilje proti Rogovcem in javni diskurz v interesu kapitala

Kritika stališč dr. Gregorja Tomca, zapisanih v intervjuju, ki ga je dal za Delova Ozadja dne 13. 06. 2016 v zvezi z dogodki, povezanimi z Rogom in Mestno občino Ljubljana v času od 10. 06. 2016 do danes.

Posted in ARCHIVE, articles, news

Seizure – Rewriting counter-histories (2015)

Seizure is about stratified, but publicly invisibly constituted relationships that constantly reconfigure our art and theoretical practices, and our knowledge about what and who are the constitutive elements in contemporary art today…

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Bilokacija (Bilocation) (1990)

Post-socialism + Retroavant garde + Irwin, video, 1997

Deklica z oranžo (The Girl With Orange) (1987)

Moscow Portraits (1990)

Cindy Sherman or Hysteria Production Presents a Reconstruction of Sherman’s Photographs (1984)

Trenutki odločitve (Moments of Decision) (1985)

Labirint (Labyrinth) (1993)