Category: ARCHIVE


08 10 2024 – 15 12 2024  Marina GRŽINIĆ with Aina ŠMID, Tjaša KANCLER, Jovita PRISTOVŠEK Venue: Günter Grass Gallery in GdańskDates: 08.10-15.12.2024Opening night: October 8, 2024 at 6 PMCurator: Łukasz GuzekCo-Curator: Mara Ambrožič VerderberExhibition project: Marina Gržinić and Jovita PristovšekConference: 09.10.2024, 2.00 PM | Europejskie Centrum

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PARALELNE ZGODOVINE OPOLNOMOČENJA IN URBANOSTI SLOVENIJE 1980–1990–2000 Zbirko gradiva je sestavila / The collection of material was compiled by Marina Gržinić ·  Avtorica spremnih tekstov / Author of the accompanying texts: Marina Gržinić ·  Asistentka Marini Gržinić pri pripravi materiala

Posted in ARCHIVE, articles, leaflets, news

What is political art vis-à-vis violent erased counter-cultural histories?

Marina Gržinić, Aina Šmid

RTV magazine, no.1. Poznan 2019

These posters/diagrams/images and texts by Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid are works that emphasize topics as colonialism, class, racialization, anti-heteronormativity, violent structure of power and subjugation, ghettoization. The visuals are not used as propagandist tools but try to capture the crudeness of social structures and power. […]

Posted in ARCHIVE, articles, news

Radio web MACBA: interview with Marina Gržinić #277

About biopower and necropolitics, about borders+volumes, corpus and corpses about intestines and holograms, and about the disturbing miniaturisation of affect and empathy.

Posted in ARCHIVE, audio, news

New Book: Arte – Política – Resistencia

Tjaša Kancler
Ediciones t.i.c.t.a.c., Barcelona 2018

Repensar las relaciones entre la antigua Europa del Este y el Occidente, los años tras la caída del Muro de Berlín en los que la política ha adoptado las formas más extremas de dominación de la subjetividad mediante técnicas biomoleculares y semióticas, las medidas de austeridad y de exclusión, la guerra y la muerte, implica abrir espacios de pensamiento más allá de convenciones académicas y reflexionar sobre la cada vez mayor importancia del arte y la cultura para la economía desregulada y la dinámica de despolitización que se produce y reproduce continuamente, no solo económica y políticamente, sino también institucionalmente […]

Posted in ARCHIVE, books, news

“What Matters is Revolution at the Historical Moment of Radical Contemporaneity”: Interview with Marina Gržinić

by Raino Isto (College Park, MD) Since 1982, Marina Gržinić has collaborated with art historian Aina Šmid on over 40 video art projects, including independent video documentaries, television productions, and media installations. A new show of the duo’s work, Radical

Posted in ARCHIVE, interviews, news

RADICAL CONTEMPORANEITY – Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid 35 years of work revisited (1982–2017)

download flyer in pdf>> RADICAL CONTEMPORANEITY Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid: 35 years of work revisited (1982-2017) Curator: Aneta Stojnić KUNSTRAUM LAKESIDE Lakeside B02 9020 Klagenfurt, Austria Opening: 11.05.2017, 18.30h Into the Now, performance by Marina Gržinić and Aneta

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