Deklica z oranžo (The Girl With Orange) (1987)

Metaphorical realism is what is at the core of this work. It is a form of realism with a strong mixture of unspoken sentences and not easy comprehensible thoughts. Far from the city, driving her car, the female protagonist comes into a confusing conflict with herself. She walks into her ancestral home and is confronted with, often painful, memories of her youth. A man follows her with a camera, asks personal questions and shows more memories with the aid of an, already present, TV set. The past marks us with wrinkles and influences our current behaviour in the hate – love relationship of our daily worries. It is not reality but only a picture of it. This vision is emphasised by the use of a Magritte painting: “Ceci n’est pas une pipe.”
The murder of the actress by camera/revolver acts as repetition of one of the most important films from the black wave of 1960s Yugoslav film production, entitled Jutro (Morning) by Purisa Djordjevic.
THE GIRL WITH ORANGE, video, 1 inch C and U-matic, 9.35 min., colour;
produced by TV Ljubljana, Artistic programme/ Toni Trsar, 1987
original title: DEKLICA Z ORANZO
written and directed by
Marina Grzinic & AinaSmid
actors: Marusa Oblak, Matjaz Tribuson,
Mateja Leskovar
camera by Andrej Lupinc
edited by Zdene Kuzmic
music: mixed by Jurij Korenc
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