Transcentrala (1993)

A documentary/artistic project about the Neue Slowenische Kunst (NSK) movement (Laibach, IRWIN, Cabinet Noordung) in Ljubljana. Involves members of the core of the NSK and together with them, we travel into the structure of the “utopian” NSK state, a state in time. The video Transcentrala is like a virtual explosion of the “rotating swastika;” splinters of this explosion take us into the very innards of the NSK, saturated not only with “blood and mud,” but also with most ludicrous utopias, visions, strategies, the apocalypse and self-consciousness at the end of the millennium.The group IRWIN exhibited at the Slovenian Pavilion at the Venice Biennial where the video was premiered in 1993 as part of their installation. The video was presented in the competition programme of the Oberhausen International short film festival in 1994.
TRANSCENTRALA (NEUE SLOWENISCHE KUNST STATE IN TIME) video, Betacam SP PAL, 20.05 min., colour, produced by TV Slovenia/ Artistic programme, 1993
written and directed by
Marina Grzinic, Aina Smid
music by group LAIBACH
camera by Bojan Kastelic
edited by Stane Otorepec, Marko Modic
Quanta paint by Alenka Martincic
spoken language: Slovenian;
subtitled in English
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