Category: ARCHIVE

“IDENTITIES” Journal Vol 10 / No. 1 – 2 (2013)

Short Description of current edition
ISSHS is proud to announce the issuing of the 10th volume (No. 1-2) of the Journal for Gender, Politics and Culture “Identities.”

No1 Guest editor: Marina GRŽINIĆ
Science, Media, Necropolitics and Bastard Trans-feminism(s)

No2 Edited by Katerina KOLOZOVA
Of the Possibility of Immanent Revolt as Theory and Political Praxis

Posted in ARCHIVE, journals, news

Utopia of Alliances, Conditions of Impossibilities and the Vocabulary of Decoloniality (2013)

Edited by the Editorial Group for Writing Insurgent Genealogies
(Carolina Agredo, Sheri Avraham, Annalisa Cannito, Miltiadis Gerothanasis, Marina Gržinić, Marissa Lôbo and Ivana Marjanović)

This book is the outcome of the processes of studying, learning and de-learning, established over the last six years in the Post-Conceptual Art Practices (PCAP) class at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna…

Posted in ARCHIVE, books, news

Fest des Lachens! Wer lacht(e) wann über wen? (2013)

28.06 – 29.06.2013 LINZ, AUSTRIA maiz-Beratung: Hofberg 9, 4020 Linz  maiz-Bildung: Hofgasse 11, 4020 Linz Fest des Lachens! Wer lacht(e) wann über wen? Bekanntlich Lachen nicht alle auf der Welt gleich, schon gar nicht, wo viele so wenig zu lachen

Posted in ARCHIVE, news

Is my territory, curated by Monica Bonvicini (2013)

CHRISTINE KÖNIG GALERIE Schleifmuehlgasse 1A A-1040 VIENNA Opening: Thursday, June 27, 2013, 6 pm Through July 27, 2013 is my territory. curated by MONICA BONVICINI MONICA BONVICINI | CÄCILIA  BROWN | GABRIELE EDLBAUER | JULIA HOHENWARTER | KRIS LEMSALU |

Posted in ARCHIVE, news

OnCurating #18: Social Curating and Its Public (2013)

OnCurating Issue 18!  SOCIAL CURATING AND ITS PUBLIC. Join us for a launch at Friday 14th of June, 7 pm, Hafnerstr. 31 Zurich. SOCIAL CURATING AND ITS PUBLIC: CURATORS FROM EASTERN EUROPE REPORT ON THEIR PRACTISES In this issue

Posted in ARCHIVE, journals, news

The Emergence of the Political Subject (2013)

by Marina Grzinic, March, 2013, Skopje / I took part in the conference in Skopje entitled Emancipation of the resistance, organized by NGO Kontrapunkt in collaboration with many partners in the region. The point of departure at the conference regarding

Posted in ARCHIVE, articles, news

Interview within the Conference Emancipation of resistance, organized by NGO Kontrapunkt/Cultural Centre Tochka, Skopje and partners (2013)

Interview  within the Conference  Emancipation of resistance, organized by NGO Kontrapunkt/Cultural Centre Tochka, Skopje and partners (2013) DNEVNIK, Skopje, Macedonia, Датум: 15.03.2013, 15:37   ИНТЕРВЈУ Марина ГржиниЌ- Мулер, филозоф, истражуваЧ и визуелен уметник По падот на Берлинскиот ѕид, меморијата

Posted in ARCHIVE, interviews