Apr 25, 2024 Part of the Seeing the Scene Series The first wave of published histories of punk focused on the well-known bands and the larger cities, but since that time there has been an explosion of new information about…
Apr 25, 2024 Part of the Seeing the Scene Series The first wave of published histories of punk focused on the well-known bands and the larger cities, but since that time there has been an explosion of new information about…
Do you know the history of Europe’s First Queer Film festival ever?
Our Story Dec 2021 – Feb 2022 / RELATIONS/ 25 Years Of The Lesbian Group ŠKUC-LL
The question remains whether European queer politics can be seen without a more precise re-elaboration of the relation between queer – and the other two constructed social categories of nationality, and race? And if we erase race from our critical framework of queer, our conceptualisation of queer (in the relation to nation-State and its processes of racialisations) – wouldn’t our institutionalised, structural and social racism(s) end up naturalising what as feminist thinkers and activists we would wish to denaturalise?
Marina Gržinić pojasnjuje, kako je globalna pandemija, ki zahteva določene omejitve, sovpadla z nastopom vlade, ki se zgleduje po orbanovi politiki militarizacije in fašizacije družbe. ”A vendar moramo ta dva procesa ločiti – zato je prva zahteva preživeti – ohraniti vsako in čim več življenj.”
Intervju Kristine Božič z Marino Gržinić, filozofinjo in umetnico Institucije in ne ljudje so danes subjekti naših držav, pravi filozofinja dr. Marina Gržinić Mauhler. Znanstvena svetnica na filozofskem inštitutu ZRC SAZU že 14 let predava konceptualno umetnost tudi na dunajski…
by Raino Isto (College Park, MD) Since 1982, Marina Gržinić has collaborated with art historian Aina Šmid on over 40 video art projects, including independent video documentaries, television productions, and media installations. A new show of the duo’s work, Radical…
Interview within the Conference Emancipation of resistance, organized by NGO Kontrapunkt/Cultural Centre Tochka, Skopje and partners (2013) DNEVNIK, Skopje, Macedonia, http://www.dnevnik.com.mk/ Датум: 15.03.2013, 15:37 ИНТЕРВЈУ Марина ГржиниЌ- Мулер, филозоф, истражуваЧ и визуелен уметник По падот на Берлинскиот ѕид, меморијата…