Blog Archives

Slovenia’s Punk Revolution: A Conversation with Marina Gržinić by Daniel Makagon

Apr 25, 2024 Part of the Seeing the Scene Series The first wave of published histories of punk focused on the well-known bands and the larger cities, but since that time there has been an explosion of new information about

Posted in books, interviews, news

Political Choreographies, Decolonial Theories, Trans Bodies

Gržinić, Marina, Pristovšek, Jovita (eds.)(2023), Political Choreographies, Decolonial Theories, Trans Bodies, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

This book opens a discussion on bodies, gender, and decolonial horizons, subjects that are increasingly becoming a political front in the search for justice. It offers an in-depth look at the positions and current developments in decolonial theory, Black Marxism, trans* studies, and contemporary performance research and practice…

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Re-Activating Critical Thinking in the Midst of Necropolitical Realities: For Radical Change

Re-Activating Critical Thinking in the Midst of Necropolitical Realities: For Radical Change Edited by Marina Gržinić and Jovita Pristovšek This volume takes as its starting point the question of whether there is a pluriversal generation, a younger group of

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Handbook of Migration and Global Justice

This timely Handbook brings together leading international scholars from a range of disciplinary backgrounds and geopolitical perspectives to interrogate the intersections between migration and global justice. It explores how cross-border mobility and migration have been affected by rapid economic, cultural and technological globalisation, addressing the pressing questions of global justice that arise as governments respond to unprecedented levels of global migration.

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New Book: Arte – Política – Resistencia

Tjaša Kancler
Ediciones t.i.c.t.a.c., Barcelona 2018

Repensar las relaciones entre la antigua Europa del Este y el Occidente, los años tras la caída del Muro de Berlín en los que la política ha adoptado las formas más extremas de dominación de la subjetividad mediante técnicas biomoleculares y semióticas, las medidas de austeridad y de exclusión, la guerra y la muerte, implica abrir espacios de pensamiento más allá de convenciones académicas y reflexionar sobre la cada vez mayor importancia del arte y la cultura para la economía desregulada y la dinámica de despolitización que se produce y reproduce continuamente, no solo económica y políticamente, sino también institucionalmente […]

Posted in ARCHIVE, books, news

Regimes of Invisibility in Contemporary Art, Theory and Culture. Image, Racialization, History

Editors: Gržinić, Marina, Stojnić, Aneta, Šuvaković, Miško (Eds.)
Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2017

This book places a focus on the regimes of in/visibility and representation in Europe and offers an innovative perspective on the topic of global capitalism in relation to questions of race, class, gender and migration, as well as historicization of biopolitics and (de)coloniality.[…]

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Politika, estetika in demokracija

Nina Cvar, Katja Čičigoj, Marina Gržinić (urednica), Adla Isanović, Sebastjan Leban, Jovita Pristovšek, Šefik Tatlić, Jasmina Založnik

ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 2015

Politika, estetika in demokracija je zbornik, nastal iz prispevkov za mednarodni kolokvij z enakim naslovom, ki smo ga leta 2015 priredili na ZRC SAZU v Ljubljani. Organizatorja kolokvija sta bila Filozofski inštitut ZRC SAZU in AVA, Akademija za vizualne umetnosti v Ljubljani. Avtorice in avtorja prispevkov te znanstvene publikacije druži horizont sodobne teorije in filozofije, ne nazadnje tudi kritika globalnega kapitalizma. Ta kritika je nastajala že pred krizo, v obdobju pred letom 2008, ko smo bili med redkimi, ki – kot se je takrat govorilo – nismo videli vseh »prednosti kapitalizma«. Apolitični horizont in divji turbo neoliberalizem, ki ga je mogoče zgoščeno opisati s sintagmo maksimizacija smrti in maksimizacija dobička, kar je Achille Mbembe že leta 2003 imenoval nekropolitika, sta se vkopala pred našimi vrati, medtem ko je pri delavski mezdni večini nekropolitika že v kuhinji. Tako so se začeli celo največji teoretični omahljivci sklicevati na kritiko politične ekonomije in na radikalizirane oblike biopolitike.

Posted in ARCHIVE, books, news

Bilokacija (Bilocation) (1990)

Post-socialism + Retroavant garde + Irwin, video, 1997

Deklica z oranžo (The Girl With Orange) (1987)

Moscow Portraits (1990)

Cindy Sherman or Hysteria Production Presents a Reconstruction of Sherman’s Photographs (1984)

Trenutki odločitve (Moments of Decision) (1985)

Labirint (Labyrinth) (1993)