– World Wide Video Festival, Den Haag, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995
– European Media Art Festival, Osnabruck, 1988, 1990, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999
– Videonale, Bonn, 1992
– Muu Media Festival, Helsinki, 1990
– International Video and TV Festival, Montbeliard, 1992
– Grand Prix Video Danse, Paris, 1993
– London Film Festival, 1996
– Viper, Lucerne, 1994
– Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, 1994, 1995, 2000, 2003
– Mediopolis, Berlin, 1996
– Videoformes, Clermont-Ferrand, 1996
– Caixa, Mediateque, Barcelona 1999
– Viper, Basel 2000
– Stuttgart film festival 2001
– Kassel Documentary Video Festival 2003
– Oberhausen International Film Festival, Oberhausen, Germany, 2008
– Osnabruck Media Festival, Germany, 2009



– Retrospective presentation with exhibition of video installations, Information Center of the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana, 1991

– Europe, Europe, Hundred Years of Avant-garde in Central and East Europe, Bonn, 1994

– I and the Other (Ik + De ander) at the Beurs Van Berlage, Amsterdam, 1994

– Video Viewpoints Program at the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), New York, 1994

– Presentation of the media installation at the ICC Biennial Manifestation, Tokyo, 1997

– Steirische Herbst, Net_art Condition project, curated by P.Weibel, (coproduced with ZKM, Karlsruhe), 1999

– After de wall, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 2000

– Positionen, Museum 20Jahre, Vienna, 2000


– Solo exhibition Grzinic and Smid at Broadway gallery 450, New York, 2001

– Solo exhibition Grzinic and Smid (multimedia, videos, internet) at Centro Arte Alameda, Mexico City, Mexico, 2001

– Recent works, 2 hours program Grzinic and Smid at the Mediateque, San Francisco, 2001

– Group show (Grzinic/Smid, Valie Export, etc), Gallery Charim- Clocker, Vienna 2001

– Group show, 100 years of Lacan, at The Freud Museum, Vienna 2001

– Kyoto Biennale, 2003

– Artimage, Biennale of Architecture and Film, Graz, 2003

– Eu and YOU, Vienna, Ljubljana/KULTUR KONTAKT, 2004

– Art Center in Seoul, Korea, (exhibition with screenings), 2004

– Erste bank collection, MUMOK, Vienna , 2006

– HACK.Fem.EAST, Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien, Berlin, Germany, 2008

– Working documents, La Virreina Centre de la Imatge, Barcelona, 2008

– Open space, Vienna, 2008

-WUK, Smell it, group exhibition, Vienna, 2009


– Open space, Vienna, (group show), 2010

– Who is to live and who should die? / Photon Gallery, Ljubljana, 12.07.2010 to 23.07.2010

– Festival Izbruh, Koper, Slovenia, (screening), 2010

– BEGEGNUNGEN IN RELATIONALER GEOGRAFIE / Open Space, / Zentrum Fur Kunstprojekte, Vienna, curator Richard Appignanesi, 02.06.2010 – 02.07.2010

– AKTIVNA KRITIČNA MISEL Club Jedro, Medvode, Slovenia, curator Emina Djukić; on 24.9.2010

– MIT UNS IST KEIN (NATIONAL)STAAT ZU MACHEN / Kunstraum NIEDEROESTERREICH, Vienna // curators Ursula Maria Probst and Walter Seidl, 2010

– festival / CITY OF WOMEN, Racism, Europe, Capital, Queer (curated by Marina Gržinić); KINODVOR, Ljubljana, 14.10.2010

– European Film Festival for Documentaries dokumentART, Neubrandenburg and Szczecin, Germany, Poland, (screening, competition), 2010

– Der Drang nach Osten PARALLELS TOWARDS POSTCOLONIALITY AND COLONIALITY WITHIN THE CENTRAL-EUROPEAN // Galeria HIT, Bratislava, curator Ivan Jurica, from 28.10 to 1.12.2010

– LECTURE & BOOK, launch by Marina Gržinić & Real Artel, WIELS CONTEMPORARY ART CENTRE, Brussels // curator Real Artel on 3.12.2010


– No Ifs, No Buts/ Depo, Istanbul, project curators: Gülsen Bal and Walter Seidl, 01.12.2010 – 09.01.2011

– RAISING DUST, Encounters in Relational Geography // Calvert 22 Gallery, London, curator Richard Appignanesi, from 7.12.2010 to 30.1.2011

– Pieces de Resistance – Stücke des Widerstandes”, group exhibition, Kultur Forum Dresden, Motorenhalle, curated by Andrea Domesle, Michal Kolecek, Frank Eckhardt, from 28.5. 2011 to 9.7.2011

– MARINA GRZINIC/ AINA SMID; 30 YEARS: 26 WORKS IN 5 PARTS, Screening of video works from 1982 to 2011, Gallery D.O.R., Brussels, from 22.20. 2011 to 06.11.2011

– Film and Video screening Spaceship Yugoslavia, Kino Arsenal, Rote Foyer, Berlin, curated by Nataša Tepavcevic, October 2011

– Linking Positions: De-linking and Decoloniality//Video-Screening and talk with Ursula Biemann and Marina Grzinic (moderated by Walter Seidl), WUK, Vienna, 27. 10. 2011


– THE REVOLUTION WILL BE TELEVISED (AND BROADCAST ON THE INTERNET), group show, curated by Chilo Eribenne, IG BILDENDE Kunst, Vienna, from 6.12.2011 to 17.02.2012

– PERMISSION FOR THE REVOLUTION, group show, curated by Cabello/Carceller, OFF LIMIT, Madrid, Spain, from 9.03 to 16.03.2012

– ART HISTORIES, curated by Marie-Josée Jean, VOX, centre de l’image contemporaine, Montréal, CANADA, 2012

– RELATIONS  at QUEERNESS, COMMUNITY, AND CAPITAL: TOWARDS NEW ALLIANCES OF THE POLITICAL, Euro-Balkan Institute, Skopje, Macedonia); M. Gržinić, lecture and screening , August 13-18, 2012

– Video Performing Practice, retrospective program Grzinic/Smid, curated by Katarzyna Kosmala, Laznya, Gdansk, Poland, September 2012

– Intermediality of Image and Politics, retrospective program Grzinic/Smid, curated by Katarzyna Kosmala, CCA, Glasgow, Scotland, September 2012

– RELATIONS at Pančevski biennale,(visual part curated by Nikola Dedić and Aneta Stojnić) Pančevo, Serbia, September 2012

– Pavlova hiša (Pavel Haus), curated by Elisabeth Arlt and David Kranzelbinder, Laafeld/Potrna, in the context of Steirischer Herbst, Austria (October 2012)

– RELATIONS at Slovenian Cinemathek, Slovenian premiere: Relations, 25 years of the lesbian movement and the group LL-Skuc, Ljubljana,(October 2012)

– RELATIONS at L’ art pour L’action 5 (Art Because of the Action)–lesbian activist festival, organized by  Novi Sad Lesbian Organization (NLO), Novi Sad, Serbia in the open public space Black House (CK13) in Novi Sad, November 1, 2012

– RELATIONS at Slovenian Cinemathek, Festival of gay and lesbian films, Ljubljana (December 2012)

– RELATIONS at Festival Queer Forum Sofia, Bulgaria (December 2012)

– RELATIONS at IG Bildende Kunst, screening, project AIDS/HIV ALS (ANDERE) FORM DER GOUVERNEMENTALITÄT, curated by Miltiadis Gerothanasis and Ivan Jurica, Vienna, Austria (December 2012-February 2013)


-Kiberkino, screening of Obsession, Kiberpipa, Ljubljana (1.03.2013)

-RELATIONS at Die Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften – AK Visuelle Kultur, Klagenfurt/Celovec, Austria (March, 2013)

-RELATIONS at Feminist Critique of Knowledge Production, programme at IUC, Dubrovnik, Croatia (May, 2013)

-RELATIONS at Queeristam Festival in Amsterdam, part of the presentation of the project AIDS/HIV ALS (ANDERE) FORM DER GOUVERNEMENTALITÄT, presentation by Miltiadis Gerothanasis and Ivan Jurica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2013

-Was ist Kunst?, group exhibition, at Kunstlerhaus, Halle fur Kunst &Medien, Graz, presentation of the works by Grzinic and Smid from 1982, 1983, 1984 and RELATIONS;  exhibition  PART OF STEIRISCHER HERBST 2013; Sept.,21–Nov., 21, 2013


-Open Systems, group exhibition, several curators, Grzinic and Smid with Decoloniality/Images of Struggle, GPLcontemporary, Vienna;  Jan., 14–Feb., 14, 2014

-RELATIONS,  screening and talk at the Center for Transdisciplinary Gender  Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin,  Germany, Jan., 15, 2014

-RELATIONS,  screening and talk with Ivan Jurica, part of the exhibition Places of Transition, curated by Gulsen Bal and Walter Seidl, freiraum quartier21/ovalhalle,Vienna, 4.03.2014

-RELATIONS at the show Through her eyes/Red Dawn festival,  Alkatraz galerija, Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana (6.3.-18.03.2014)

-SHARE – too much history, MORE future, curated by Annemarie Tuerk, Bosnian National Gallery, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (15.03.2014  to 31.12.2014)

-PERSPEKTIVA. Künstlerische Positionen im post-jugoslawischen Kontext.Die Ausstellung perspektiva. präsentiert Arbeiten des jugoslawischen Undergrounds der 1970/80er Jahre und Positionen junger Künstler/innen. Fotografie, Video, Malerei und Installation von Anton Bošnjak, Sandra Filić, Gorgona, Marina Gržinić/Aina Šmid, Sanja Iveković, Šejla Kamerić, Dalibor Martinis, Natalija Ribovic, Spomenko Škrbić Petra Gerschner, Kuratorin der Ausstellung, Gallery MVHS, München (19.03. 2014  to 11.05.2014)

-Video in Progress 5: Reflections of the Past, organized by Kolektiva Institute and Photon – Centre for Contemporary Photography; Grzinic and Smid part of the  international video festival Video in Progress 5,  main program selection by curators V. Bukovec and M. Zupanic, Ljubljana ( 5 to 7. 06. 2014)

-International Kurzfilmtage, Oberhausen, Germany, distribution 2014, video Obsession

-International exhibition, “we are here…”, curator: Lennard Dost, video Naked Freedom, das weisse haus, Vienna (12.11.2014-13.12.2014)


-CONTROL / SHIFT / PLUS, Marina Grzinic/ Aina Smid/ Zvonka Simcic – Images of Struggle / Decoloniality; Curated by Alejandro Mondria; a joint exhibition by students of the international CAS/MAS program in Curating at ZHdK with their individual artists. Postgraduate Programme in Curating,  ZHdK/Zurich University of the Arts, Gasthaus zum Baeren/ Museum Bärengasse,  Zürich, Switzerland, 24.1.2015 – 21.2.2015

– RELATIONS, screening and skype talk at Human Rights House Zagreb, Croatia, organized by Milana Romic and  Amir Hodzic, 28.01.2015

-Videonale Bonn, presentation inside the festival, lecture The »post« Eastern European situation seized by contemporary video works, Kunstmuseum Bonn, 18.03.2015

– Homosexuality_ies – exhibition presented by the Deutsches Historisches Museum and the Schwules Museum, jointly funded by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes and the Kulturstiftung der Länder, Berlin, 6.6-1.12.205; work by Tanja Ostojić and Marina Gržinić, with the title Politics of Queer Curatorial Positions: After Rosa von Praunheim, Fassbinder and Bridge Markland from 2003.

-K3 INTERNATIONALER KURZFILMPREIS, presentation of Seizure; Villach, Austria, 16-20.09.2015

-Image, racialization, History, an exhibition of videofilms (among others Seizure) and posters by Gržinić/Šmid, invited artist Bojan Đorđev; exhibition title Europe after the Cold War: Memory, History, Visuality, curator Aneta Stojnić, FMK, Belgrade, 25-26.09.2015

-Strategije arhiva: politike vremena – izvođenje roda (Strategy of the archive: polics of time – performing gender), an exhibition curated by Miško Šuvaković and altri, FMK, Belgrade, opening 25.11.2015

-Relations at Regional Lesbian Forum “Sisters Outsiders“, presented by Tatjana Greif and Urška Sterle, Skopje, Macedonia, 27.11.2015

-Relations at Peta lezbejska nedelja (Fifth lesbian week) with the title Lezbejska YUbav nema granica, Labris, presented by Tatjana Greif and Urška Sterle, Belgrade, 12.12.2015

-SHARE – too much history, MORE future, at National Museum of Monte Negro, Atelier Dado, Cetinje, Monte Negro, 2015

-SHARE – too much history, MORE future, at Museum of Contemporary Art, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015

-SHARE – too much history, MORE future, at Vidéographies, Digital and Experimental Images Festival, screening curated by Pierre Courtin, Théatre de Liège, Liège, Belgium, 2015

-SHARE – too much history, MORE future, at Plzen (part of the program European Capital 2015), Czech Republic, 2015

-SHARE – too much history, MORE future, at Palais Porcia, Vienna, presentation of the catalogue, 2015


-Relations at IDAHOT, International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, after Screening talk on Lesbian activism in Serbia, Slovenia and Bih (Gržinić, Lepa Mlađenović, and Marija Vuletić), Muzej književnosti i pozorišne umjetnosti, Sarajevo (BiH), 17. 05. 2016

– Bilocation and The threat of future, at the exhibition “Notes from underground”, Museum of Art in Lodz, Poland, (23.09.2016 – 15.01.2017)

-Screening program videos Gržinić and Šmid »Idninata e megu tvoite noze : seksualnosta i rodot vo alternativniot film i video vo Jugoslavia«, presented by Gržinić, Kino Frosina, Skopje, Macedonia, 22.10.2016

– Screening program videos Gržinić and Šmid »Inside our proper concept of performativity in art and political activism« with a lecture by Gržinić, Universität Zürich, Switzerland, 2.11.2016

-Screening  program by Gržinić and Šmid, GRŽINIĆ AND ŠMID: THE POLITICS OF EXPERIMENTAL VIDEO, presented by Gržinić, ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2016, Dom kulture “Studentski grad”, Belgrade, 10.12.2016

-Seizure presented at the Dislocations – the Desert of the Social,  screening curated by Aneta Stojnić, Raum D / Q21/ MuseumsQuartier Vienna, 22.12.2016


RADICAL CONTEMPORANEITY – Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid 35 years of work revisited (1982–2017). Exhibition at KUNSTRAUM
LAKESIDE, Klagenfurt, Austria, 2017, curator Aneta Stojnić, (12.05.2017 – 14.07.2017)

Into the Now, performance by Marina Gržinić and Aneta Stojnić (KUNSTRAUM LAKESIDE, Klagenfurt, Austria), 11.05.2017

Dystopian futures, a panel discussion with jan Jagodzinski, Martin G. Weiss, Marina Gržinić and Aneta Stojnić (KUNSTRAUM LAKESIDE, Klagenfurt, Austria), 07.06.2017

Solipsism Revisited – Counter Strategies, exhibition, curator Walter Seidl (Gržinić and Šmid, featuring Aneta Stojnić, Into the Now, video) at Fluc, Vienna (In der Kubatur des Kabinetts – der Kunstsalon im Fluc), 9.08.2017.

-Program of projection, works by  Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid. At t.i.c.t.a.c [taller de intervenciones críticas transfeministas antirracistas combativas], Barcelona, Spain  (10.09.2017)

Wa(h)re Angst. Taking part in group exhibition, curator  Janusz Czech. Cooperationin between EMMA – Kreativzentrum Pforzheim and the philosophical scientific magazine  agora 42, Pforzheim, Germany (6.10.2017 – 29.06.2017)

Trouble Diaries: A Political Statement, group exhibition, curated by Dermis P. León (Curatorial Bureau), at Big House, Contemporary Art Center, 76 Linjiang Avenue, Wuchang District, Wuhan, China (29.11.2017 – 29.12.2017)


Current signs – Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid taking part in a group exhibition with a poster-sign titled “The technologies of capture and control”, an exhibition  curated by Enar de Dios Rodriguez, at das weisse haus, Hegelgasse 14, 1010 Vienna, Austria (21.02.2018  – 28.03.2018)

Sole Luna. Doc Film Festival. 13. edition, Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid taking part in a screening program (works presented  Bilocation and Labyrinth) at Renegotiating Identities: Video Art at Sole Luna curated by Sofia Gotti, Palermo, Italy ( 2-8.07. 2018)

Suspicious, implicated agencies: gender mutants, decolonial transfeminist, militant filmmakers, radical theoreticians, migrant sex workers. SCREENING PROGRAM curated by Marina Gržinić and Tjaša Kancler. Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid taking part in a screening program (works presented  Naked Freedom, Relations, Seizure), Maribor, Slovenia (12.10.2018)


Czym jest sztuka polityczna wobec przemocowo wymazywanych kontrkulturowych historii? [What is Political Art vis-à-vis Violent Erased Counter-Cultural Histories?] – Marina Gržinić, Aina Šmid, MAGAZYN RTV.COM, no. 1 to 7, Selected contributions from online editions, Poznan, Poland 2019, pp. 9 to 15; text and artworks by Gržinić and Šmid, Polish and English;

Shorts! The second evening of dance films. SCREENING curated by Matjaž. Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid taking part in a screening program (work  presented  Rdeči čeveljčki/Red Shoes. 1994), Slovenska kinoteka [The Slovenian Cinematheque], Ljubljana, Slovenia (14.09.2019)

Cheers to Women! 25 Years of Film and Video. Group exhibition, part of the City of Women festival program 2019.  Curators: Vesna Bukovec and Ana Čigon. Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid taking part with the video Obsession, 2008. Galerija Alkatraz, Ljubljana, Slovenia (24.09.2019 – 7.10.2019)

Dead and Alive. 9th Triennial of Contemporary Art U3. Group exhibition, curator: Vit Havranek. Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid taking part with the video Labyrinth, 1993. Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia ( 10.10.2019 – 12.01.2020)

-New website documentation KONTAKT – COLLECTION / 2019

Gržinić /Šmid video work. Excerpt text by Marina Klonaris and Katerina Thomadaki–retroavantgarde–irwin


Collection of Contemporary Art Marino Cettina. Group exhibition. Museum of Contemporary Art of Istria, Pula, Croatia. Gržinić and Šmid. Digital prints. Catalog. Edited by M. Gržinić. (19.06.2020 – 23.08.2020).

Digital Power: Activism, Advocacy, and the Influence of Women Online. Focus on the work of women: digital artists, storytellers, designers, gamers, film/video makers, and other visionary digital content providers in an exhibition that inspires, empowers, and supports women. The online exhibition is curated by Kathy Rae Huffman, curator of the 2015 DAC online exhibition “Enhanced Vision: Digital Video.” DIGITAL POWER is a project of the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community and is scheduled to premiere at the annual SIGGRAPH conference in Washington D.C. Gržinić, Šmid, Simčič, Video Relations (19-23.07. 2020).

NICHT MUSEUM ZEITGEMÄßER KUNST (nonmuseum for contemporary art) on the Dresden Neumarkt, Germany. Works of art, productions, performances, readings, and much more will be programmatically realized and shown under impossible conditions – while there are no other conditions than those. Gržinić and Šmid, Video No War but Class War!. (25.07. 2020).

Aphrodite* / her* geographies, her* complices, her* intersexions,  Greek Film Archive (Tainiothiki). The queer-feminist film festival Aphrodite* 2020 is co-curated by the collectives: Aleanca LGBT (Albania), Sofia Queer Forum (Bulgaria), Pembe Hayat Kuirfest (Turkey), Tiiiit! Inc. (N. Macedonia). Gržinić, Šmid, Simčič, Video Relations (5-5.12.2020, online)


Mutual Fragments, @basisfrankfurt elbestraße10, Frankfurt, Germany. Curator: Luisa Schlotterbeck; Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid, video Labyrinth; participating: Chan Sook Choi, Marina Gržinić & Aina Šmid; Barbara Lüdde; Jonas Monka (16. 07. 2021 – 17.07.2021)

Digital Power: Activism, Advocacy and the Influence of Women Online at: Curator: Kathy Rae Huffman.Gržinić, Šmid, Simčič, video Relations.This online exhibition has been in the works for more than a year, it is pre-pandemic, inter-generational, cross-disciplinary, diverse. inclusive and multiethnic. The works in the exhibition were juried by a wonderful group of artists, curators, and educators.  Each work had three jury responses.  (from Avgust 2021)

(S)ELECTION, exhibition. A.K.T; Theaterstraße 21 75175 Pforzheim, Germany. Curator: Janusz Czech. Gržinić and Šmid: video Hi-Res. Die Ausstellung (S)ELECTION reflektiert den Prozess und die Rahmenbedingungen demokratischer Wahlen in verschiedenen Ländern heutzutage und setzt sich mit den Vorschlägen auseinander, die die Differenz zwischen Ideal und Wirklichkeit verringern sollen.   (23.09.2021-28.11.2021)

RELATIONS/ 25 Years of The Lesbian Group ŠKUC-LL. SCREENING. Belgium Cinematek (Brussels). work by Marina Gržinić, Aina Šmid, Zvonka T Simčič, Slovenija; Slovenië – Slovénie (15.12.2021)


Kobiety na Akademiach/Women at the Academies of Fine Arts. Aula Gallery, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, Poland. Opening: 11 March 2022; exhibition curated by Anka Leśnik; presentation Grzinic /Smid work from 2015.  Artists: Agnieszka Babińska, Simone Bader, Joanna Bajus, Bogna Burska, Iwona Demko, Marina Gržinić & Aina Šmid, Magdalena Grzybowska, Valerie Habsburg, Sylwia JakubowskaSzycik, Martyna Jastrzębska, Dominika Kowynia, Anna Królikiewicz, Julia Kul, Anka Leśniak, Adriana Majdzińska, Aurelia Mandziuk, Ludmiła Ostrogórska, Marion Porten, Eliza Proszczuk, Janina Rudnicka, Jolanta Rudzka-Habisiak, Anna Tyczyńska, Magdalena Wawrzyniak, ania włodarska [a.w.], Agata Zbylut, Vivian Crespo Zurita. (11-31.03 2022)

RELATIONS and the TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF DECOLONIAL and LGBTQ+ EXPERIMENTAL VIDEO FILMS, Marina Gržinić lecture. At ERG / (ECOLE DE RECHERCHE GRAPHIQUE) Rue du Page 87 1050 Brussels, Belgium. The event at ERG is an initiative of  Our Story (Cinematek Brussels) and Master Pratique de l’art, outils critiques (ERG), in partnership with  l’ISELP. (28.03 2022)

Discussion: avec les étudiant·e·s de PAOC le 29/03 de 10h à 12h (réservé aux étudiant·e·s de l’erg) with Marina Gržinić. The event at ERG is an initiative of  Our Story (Cinematek Brussels) and Master Pratique de l’art, outils critiques (ERG), in partnership with  l’ISELP (higher institute for the study of plastic language). (29.03 2022)

Marina Grzinic et Aina Smid, quarante ans d’art vidéo militant. Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid, 40 years of militant art video.  With  Marina Gržinić. Event screening and talk: Moments of Decision (1985, 14’); Bilocation (1990, 12’); Labyrinth (1993, 12’) Luna 10 (1994, 11’); Obsession (2008, 16’). ISELP, Brussels. Organized by Our Story, le rendez-vous mensuel LGBTQIA+ de CINEMATEK, et l’ISELP.  (7. 04.2022)

-Marina Grzinic: Paralelne zgodovine opolnomočenja in urbanosti Slovenije 1980–1990–2000 / Parallel Histories od Slovenia’s Empowerment and Urbanity 1980-1990-2000.

Marina Grzinic & Aina Šmid : 40 YEARS OF WORK: DISSIDENT HISTORIES (1982–2022). Galerija Loža Koper/Galleria Loggia Capodistria / SLOVENIA. Marina Grzinic & Aina Šmid have been working with video since 1982. They have participated in numerous video, media and film presentations and received numerous awards. In Piran Coastal Galleries they present themselves not with a retrospective, but with a rearticulation of the state of affairs in video production in the national context. This is their first presentation in the Loža Gallery Koper, where the artists are offering us a rich overview of their work. Numerous guiding tours in the frame of the exhibtion, the last 8.02.2023. (25.11.2022-28.2.2023)


Marina Gržinić & Aina Šmid, taking part in the group ehxibition T-ERROR UN-CLASSIFIED 00-XX *, curated by Jelena Petrović. Lana Čmajčanin, Marina Gržinić & Aina Šmid, Flaka Haliti, Ana Hoffner *ex-Prvulovic, Margareta Kern, Katalin Ladik, Svetlana Maraš, Red Mined, Milica Tomić. The exhibition was organised by VBKÖ in collaboration with 2.0 Association for Art, Research and Practice, and it is a part of the FWF research project V-730: The Politics of Belonging – Art Geographies (2019-2023). VBKÖ, Vienna. (6. 01. 2023–29. 01. 2023)

Marina Grzinic and  Aina Smid, screening Bilokacija (1990), during a screening evening curated by Juliet Jacques in the context of the  exhibition Chrysalis, Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève. Juliet Jacques  was invited  by Andrea Bellini, director of the Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève, to curate  a  film program for  the  Cinema on the Centre (28.03.2023)

Marina Grzinic and Aina Smid, work Labyrinth (1993). Group exhibition: Body and Territory. Cross-border Dialogues. A cooperation with MSU Zagreb. Kunsthaus Graz.  (26.05.2023 -27.08.2023)

KIG! KULTUR in Graz; exhibition INSURGENT FLOWS. THRIVING OF BLACK, BROWN, INDIGENOUS, QUEER AND TRANS VITALITIES. WHITE TOPOGRAPHIES OF COERCION AND EMANCIPATION.Curators: Anita Hofer, Eva Ursprung; Authors of the exhibition: Marina Gržinić, Tjaša Kancler, Jovita Pristovšek. Artists: Marina Gržinić, Tjaša Kancler, Jovita Pristovšek, Jill H. Casid, Bojan Đorđev, Siniša Ilić.  Installation video film Insurgent Flows. Trans*Decolonial and Black Marxist Futures (full length version, 90 min., 2023) was presented at exhibitions besides many other works.(KIG! KULTUR in Graz, 20.09. 2023 –10.11. 2023)

Museum of Modern Art, MG+ Ljubljana. For Your Pleasure. Feminist Positions in Visual Art in and from Slovenia. Group exhibition. Curator: Martina Vovk. Included projections of 3 video works, part of the collection of the Museum of Modern Art, MG+, Ljubljana: Bilocation, Relations, Insurgent Flows. (Exhibition at view, Museum of Modern Art, MG+, Ljubljana, 7.10.2023–14.04.2024)

Screening and lecture on Insurgent Flows. Trans*Decolonial and Black Marxist Futures (full length version, 90 min., 2023), no discussion, mute audience, spechelles reaction, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien (3. 10. 2023)

Screening of  Insurgent Flows. Trans*Decolonial and Black Marxist Futures (full length version, 90 min., 2023), vivid discussion, Michaelis School of Fine Arts, University of Cape Town, South Africa (11. 10. 2023)

Premiere screening of the film in Slovenia Insurgent Flows. Trans*Decolonial and Black Marxist Futures (full length version, 90 min., 2023), discussion afterwards, 16.11.2023  as part of the exhibition Museum of Modern Art, MG+ Ljubljana. For Your Pleasure. Feminist Positions in Visual Art in and from Slovenia (Museum of Modern Art, MG+ Ljubljana, 16.11.2023)


-t.i.c.t.a.c. – Taller de Intervenciones Críticas Transfeministas Antirracistas Combativas, Barcelona, Spain.  Screening of the video-film Insurgent Flows. Trans*Decolonial and Black Marxist Futures; talks afterwards with  Basha Changue, Marina Grzinic and Tjasa Kancler (t.i.c.t.a.c. Barcelona, 20.01.2024)

Galerija Photon, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Exhibition: Vstajniški tokovi in vstajniške podobe [Insurgent Flows and Insurgent Images]. Curators: Marina Grzinic and Jovita Pristovšek. Featuring: Tjaša Kancler, Aina Šmid, Zvonka T. Simčič, Nina Cvar, Siniša Ilić, Vesna Liponik, Kristina Božič, Jovita Pristovšek, Marina Gržinić (Galerija Photon, Ljubljana,1.2.2024–23.2. 2024) 

CINEMATEK (Royal Film Archive of Belgium), Brussels, Belgium.  Screening of the video  Moments of Decision (Trenutki odločitve) within the program The Missing Movies, Brussels, Belgium (6.03.2024) 

Punk. Subculture. Socialism. Archives of the Future, Photography from Slovenia. A.K.T;  Pforzheim, Germany. Within the exhibition screening of the the video-film  Relations. Curator of the exhibition Marina Gržinić. Installment Marina Gržinić and Jovita Pristovšek (27.04.2024 to 26.05.2024)

 – AMRO24 Showcase. Linz, Austria. Festival/exhibition Radical Openness. Screening of the video-film Insurgent Flows. Trans*Decolonial and Black Marxist Futures; plus screening director cut  video-film length and discussion on 9.05.2024 (afo – architekturforum oberösterreich, Linz, Austria, 8. 5. 2024 – 17. 5. 2024)

Kunsthochschule Mainz, Germany. Screening of the video-film Insurgent Flows. Trans*Decolonial and Black Marxist Futures, screening director cut  video-film length and discussion,  within BIP Erasmus plus  program (23. 5. 2024)

Günter Grass Gallery, Gdańsk, Poland, Marina GRŽINIĆ DISSIDENT HISTORIES. INSURGENT FUTURITIES with Aina ŠMID, Tjaša KANCLER, Jovita PRISTOVŠEK. Curator: Łukasz Guzek. Co-Curator: Mara Ambrožič Verderber. Exhibition project: Marina Gržinić and Jovita Pristovšek;  Co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund. Partner: ASP, Piran Coastal Galleries, Slovenia.  Support: RS  Ministrstvo za kulturo  (08.10-15.12.2024)

-Europejskie Centrum Solidarności, Gdańsk, Poland. Marina GRŽINIĆ DISSIDENT HISTORIES. INSURGENT FUTURITIES. Conference: 09.10.2024

Muslim*Contemporary. 2024. Vienna. Austria. Exhibition with the title “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall. Are We Too Muslim for This Country?” Exhibit at Eschenbachgasse, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Screening of the video-film Insurgent Flows. Trans*Decolonial and Black Marxist Futures (21.10.2024 – 27.10.2024)

Spaces of Movement – 40 years of Ljubljana’s LGBT Community. City Museum of Ljubljana, Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, Slovenia. 24. 10. 2024 – 23. 3. 2025. Screening of the video-film Relations.

I Don’t Pay Your Price. Queerfeminist Interventions with the Video Camera. Group exhibition curated by Kat Lawinia Gorska at Lore Deutz  in the exhibition space in KunstWerkKöln, Cologne, Germany.  Screening of the video Labyrinth. In collaboration with IMAI, Düsseldorf. Taking part in the exhibition: Zorah Mari Bauer & Viola Kiefner; Lynda Benglis; Johanne Charlebois & Harold Vasselin; Yoshiko Chuma; Ilse Gassinger; Bettina Gruber & Maria Vedder; Marina Gržinić & Aina Šmid; Mona Hatoum; Barbara Konopka; Malaria! / Brigitte Bühler & Gudrun Gut & Dieter Hormel; Rabe perplexum; Monica Petracci; Claudia Richarz; Nina Rippel; Pipilotti Rist; Ane Mette Ruge; Beate Strecker; Ulrike Zimmermann (08.11.2024 – 8.12.2024)

To Be Punk. Festival. SKC Novi Sad, Serbia. Exhibition Pank. Supkultura. Socijalizam. Arhive budućnosti. Fotografija iz Slovenije. Within the exhibition screening of the the video-film  Relations. Curator of the exhibition Marina Gržinić. Installment Marina Gržinić and Jovita Pristovšek  (14 11. 2024 – 25.11.2024)