Zgodba o metulju (The Butterfly Story) (1995)

The BUTTERFLY STORY I. is a video travelogue by images, visual associations and sound effects to China. In this video the viewer meets Mao Zedong’s wife (known as one of the member of the group of four in China in the time of the cultural revolution), Mao Zedong erotic dreams (Mr. Zedong’s love affair with Theda Bara, the first film femme fatal stereotype) and one of the most known Chinese rebels from 1980s to whom Grzinic/Smid gave sound, context and make him walk.
So our dreams to go somewhere far, to escape the dimensions of ourselves as nothingness is here done by reversals of time in space and space in time. And you see how tremendous impact is possible to achieve by reverting technically the linearity of time; going backwards by the simplest video switch is sometimes the most adequate measurements of our feelings and thoughts.
video, Betacam SP PAL, 7.55 min, colour,
produced by TV SLOVENIA, 1994
original title: ZGODBA O METULJU I.
written and directed by: Marina Grzinic, Aina Smid
actors: Neda R. Bric, Niko Gorsic, Zeljko Hrs, Janja Majzelj, Ivan Peternelj
camera by: Miso Cadez
editing by: Zvone Judez, Stane Otorepec
sound by: Vlado Ranik
setting by: Matej Andraz Vogrincic
music: sound effects mixed by Grzinic/Smid
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