Bilokacija (Bilocation) (1990)

BILOCATION means the residence of the body and soul in two different places at the same time – simultaneously. It is the perfect term for delineating the processes going on in the video medium and for describing the hell and bloody history of Kosovo, a territory in the South of Yugoslavia (Serbia); Kosovo is a place, which has been menaced by national disorders and conflicts between the Albanians and Serbian who live there.
Original documentary material from the “civil war” in Kosovo in 1989 (Albanians are fighting for basic civil rights against the Serbian nationalistic and hegemonic power) made by TV Slovenia, but never shown publicly, has been used and juxtaposed with the imaginary world of synthetic video images. Images are disintegrated and reconstructed through digital and optical technology.
Fragments of text(s) used in the video are taken from Roland Barthes book Fragments from the discourse of love.
BILOCATION, Betacam SP PAL, 12.06 min, colour, produced by: TV SLOVENIJA, 1990
original title: BILOKACIJA
written and directed by: Marina Grzinic, Aina Smid
actors: Mateja Rebolj (dancer), Milan Stefe
camera by: Andrej Lupinc
editing by: Zdene Kuzmic
music mixed by Grzinic/Smid
spoken language: Slovenian
subtitles: English
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