Category: articles

The Emergence of the Political Subject (2013)

by Marina Grzinic, March, 2013, Skopje / I took part in the conference in Skopje entitled Emancipation of the resistance, organized by NGO Kontrapunkt in collaboration with many partners in the region. The point of departure at the conference regarding

Posted in ARCHIVE, articles, news

A Refugee Protest Camp in Vienna And the European Union’s Processes of Racialization, Seclusion, and Discrimination (2013)

Marina Gržinić e-flux journal: We ourselves, the refugees, make the demonstration, and we are the ones who want it. It is our fight. We thank everybody for their help, but we don’t allow anybody to use us. This is

Posted in ARCHIVE, articles, news

Čakajoč na 4. vseslovensko vstajo (2013)

Marina Gržinić, Februar 2013, Ljubljana Mariborska vstaja, ki je privedla do odstopa mariborskega župana Franca Kanglerja, je predstavljala pomembno točko preobrata v vseh nadaljnjih vseslovenskih vstajah. Majhna, a pomembna zmaga. To poudarja tudi francoski teoretik Alain Badiou, ko premišljuje o

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Europe: Gender, Class, Race (2012)

by Marina Gržinić The present essay has three parts. All three parts present the critique of the spatializations of Europe in the context of global neoliberal discourse on one side and the completely intertwined discourse of postsocialist/post-Cold-War Europe on the

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The Temporization of Theory and Time (2011)

by Marina Gržinić, How can we think about theory being a territory as well? Today theory is first and foremost perfectly integrated within the new informational mode that governs capitalist societies. Theory is not connected with knowledge in the old, humanist

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Through a Glass Darkly: Performative Practice…Without Border, Without Name (2011)

by Katarzyna Kosmala, Variant 41, Spring 2011 The socio-economic and ideological transformation of Central and Eastern Europe has accelerated the processes of re-writing ‘identity’ scripts in the region. A new performative turn can now be observed in art production, theory

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Analysis of the exhibition “Gender Check – Femininity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern Europe” Museum of Modern Art, (MUMOK), Vienna, November 2009/February 2010

by Marina Gržinić, 2009 / The interest to make the analysis of this exhibition is threefold. It allows, it is my point of departure, to talk about the New Europe, the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin

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