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Insurgent Flows.

Thriving of Black, Brown, Indigenous, Queer and Trans Vitalities. White Topographies of Coercion and Emancipation. for the EXHIBITION OPENING20.09.2023 | Wednesday, 19:00 with Bojan Đorđev and Siniša Ilić, action Overwhelmed Alexandra Gschiel, Social Kitchen Art Project Eva Ursprung, sound performance

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KiG! Kultur in Graz Insurgent Flows.​ Exhibition

The mixed-media installation Insurgent Flows. reflects on death and history after World War II. The wars of the present and recent past have entirely changed geopolitical relations. The capitalist imperial powers of the United States and its NATO allies, along with various regional powers, have destroyed Africa (Libya), the Middle East (Iraq), and Afghanistan with colonial appetites. Social and political space is disintegrating under the pressure of global capitalism. The recent “crises” fuel the perpetuation of the history of racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, sexism, and homo- and transphobia. They lead to a situation characterized by cruel erasure, displacement, discrimination, humiliation, and the denial of the rights of racialized people, migrant people, refugees, LGBTQI+ people, sex workers, and many others.

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Political Choreographies, Decolonial Theories, Trans Bodies

Gržinić, Marina, Pristovšek, Jovita (eds.)(2023), Political Choreographies, Decolonial Theories, Trans Bodies, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

This book opens a discussion on bodies, gender, and decolonial horizons, subjects that are increasingly becoming a political front in the search for justice. It offers an in-depth look at the positions and current developments in decolonial theory, Black Marxism, trans* studies, and contemporary performance research and practice…

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Arhiv – da bi lahko izbrali prihodnost

Kdor ima danes moč in besedo, lahko izrisuje ter pojasnjuje preteklost – kdor ima nadzor nad razumevanjem preteklosti, usmerja tudi, kako si znamo zamišljati prihodnosti. “Imeli smo načrt – in izhajali smo iz tega, da naše delo govori,” opisuje filozofinja

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The T-Errors Un-Classified 00-xx exhibition deals with art geographies and politics of non/belonging created through contemporary systems of classifying and curating art within the geopolitically shaped archives. The VBKÖ space exhibits a part of the documentary material of the selected

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Mara Ambrožič Verderber40 YEARS OF WORK 25.11.2022-28.2.2023 Galerija Loža Koper/Galleria Loggia Capodistria / Loža Gallery Koper, SLOVENIA Marina Gržinić & Aina Šmid have been working with video since 1982. They have participated in numerous video, media and film presentations and

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PARALELNE ZGODOVINE OPOLNOMOČENJA IN URBANOSTI SLOVENIJE 1980–1990–2000 Zbirko gradiva je sestavila / The collection of material was compiled by Marina Gržinić ·  Avtorica spremnih tekstov / Author of the accompanying texts: Marina Gržinić ·  Asistentka Marini Gržinić pri pripravi materiala

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