Zvezdogled (Stargazer) (1997)

Stargazer is a video work in which six artists and activists from Eastern Europe display their processes of thinking, their conceptual stances, their credos: Vadim Fishkin, Leonora Mark, Maja Vauda, Tomaz Pipp, Sanja Grcic, Klaudija Poropat. The artistic and activist positions in the video are reedit in a way to show the intersection of artistic obsessions and existential and social performativity. The Stargazer is an obsessive, politically engaged video that forces the viewer, in the world without secrets and mercy, to rethink his or her proper position. Between the documented artists and activists is established a deep synthesis; for example exists a deep relation between the pervasive commercialisation of TV in relation to media art, as shown by the Russian artist Vadim Fishkin, and the social humiliated position imposed by the state and its institutions towards handicapped and depriveleged youth, as explained by Klaudija Poropat, being herself a handicapped activist. All the six artists and activists are put in a hybrid and controversial position of questioning the culture around them.
video, BetacamSP/PAL, 16.58 min, colour, produced by ZAVOD ZA UMETNISKI VIDEO, coproduced by TV Slovenia Ljubljana, 1997
original title: ZVEZDOGLED
written and directed by:
Marina Grzinic, Aina Smid
actors/performers: artists and activists from Ljubljana, Russian and BIH:
Vadim Fishkin, Leonora Mark, Maja Vauda, Tomaz Pipp, Sanja Grcic, Klaudija Poropat
camera by: Ubald Trnkoczy
editing by: Vojko Polic
sound by: Franci Suhadolnik
music by: Brane Zorman
spoken languages: Russian, Slovenian, subtitled in English
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