Tri sestre (Three Sisters) (1992)

A classical text by the Great Russian writer from the beginning of the last century Anton P. Cehov about soldiers and ethics are transposed in our time. Documentaries about the war in Croatia, one of the Republic of the ex-Yugoslavia are used and integrated in an imaginary video story talking about wars, history, love and hate.
The video received the first award at the Videonalle’s International video festival Bonn 1992.
Betacam SP PAL, 28.00 min, colour,
produced by Slovensko
mladinsko gledalisce Ljubljana
and TV Slovenia, 1992
original title: TRI SESTRE (THREE SISTERS)
written and directed by:
Marina Grzinic, Aina Smid
actors: Marinka Stern, Olga Kacjan, Metka
Trdin, Uros Macek, Pavle Ravnohrib
camera and lights by: Andrej Lupinc
sound by: Janko Marsic, Brane Atanaskovic
editing by: Zdene Kuzmic
graphics by: Marija Delevic
music mixed by: Grzinic/Smid
spoken language: Slovenian; subtitled in English
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Bilokacija (Bilocation) (1990)

Post-socialism + Retroavant garde + Irwin, video, 1997

Deklica z oranžo (The Girl With Orange) (1987)

Moscow Portraits (1990)

Cindy Sherman or Hysteria Production Presents a Reconstruction of Sherman’s Photographs (1984)

Trenutki odločitve (Moments of Decision) (1985)

Labirint (Labyrinth) (1993)