Zbirko gradiva je sestavila / The collection of material was compiled by Marina Gržinić
· Avtorica spremnih tekstov / Author of the accompanying texts: Marina Gržinić
· Asistentka Marini Gržinić pri pripravi materiala / Assistant to Marina Gržinić in the preparation of the material: Jovita Pristovšek
· Pregled in urejanje zbirke / Review and editing of the collection: Ana Cvek, Karin Konda
· Digitalizacija / Digitalization: Urška Svetina, Karin Konda
· Spletna zasnova< span style=’letter-spacing:-.15pt’> in tehnična izvedba / Web design and technical implementation: Mihael Ojsteršek
Na Inštitutu za novejšo zgodovino izvajamo trajne in celovite digitalne hrambe zbirk raziskovalnih podatkov in znanstvenih publikacij ter omogočamo prost dostop. Eden izmed sistemov za to je Git repozitorij za kontrolo verzij GitHub ( SIstory), kjer je tudi projekt Paralelne zgodovine opolnomočenja in urbanosti Slovenije 1980–1990–2000. Vse datoteke, povezane s projektom, hranimo na našem internem serverju.
At the Institute of Contemporary History, research data collections and scientific publications are permanently and comprehensively stored digitally and made freely accessible. One of the systems for this is the Git version control repository GitHub (, which also houses the project Parallel Histories of Slovenia’s Empowerment and Urbanity 1980–1990–2000. All files related to the project are stored on our internal server.