Blog Archives

East: bodies, borders and zonification (2016)

by Tjaša Kancler

The European unification, as Philomena Essed argues, has been foremost a project of whiteness. In a time, when it is said that Eastern Europe no longer exists, when Western Europe is also named “former”, the process of disappearance of certain borders implies its simultaneous multiplication and conversion into zones, border regions or territories. East is today operating as one of them. How, then, the way we conceptualize Europe changes if we rethink the silenced colonial/imperial history of European migration politics through the West-East relation of repetition, together with the coloniality of gender, the control of subjectivity and knowledge, the most extreme forms of exclusion and politics of death today? What potentialities for resistance are coming out from such analysis?

Posted in ARCHIVE, articles, news

Ljubljana: Nasilje proti Rogovcem in javni diskurz v interesu kapitala

Kritika stališč dr. Gregorja Tomca, zapisanih v intervjuju, ki ga je dal za Delova Ozadja dne 13. 06. 2016 v zvezi z dogodki, povezanimi z Rogom in Mestno občino Ljubljana v času od 10. 06. 2016 do danes.

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Seizure – Rewriting counter-histories (2015)

Seizure is about stratified, but publicly invisibly constituted relationships that constantly reconfigure our art and theoretical practices, and our knowledge about what and who are the constitutive elements in contemporary art today…

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Politika, estetika in demokracija

Nina Cvar, Katja Čičigoj, Marina Gržinić (urednica), Adla Isanović, Sebastjan Leban, Jovita Pristovšek, Šefik Tatlić, Jasmina Založnik

ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 2015

Politika, estetika in demokracija je zbornik, nastal iz prispevkov za mednarodni kolokvij z enakim naslovom, ki smo ga leta 2015 priredili na ZRC SAZU v Ljubljani. Organizatorja kolokvija sta bila Filozofski inštitut ZRC SAZU in AVA, Akademija za vizualne umetnosti v Ljubljani. Avtorice in avtorja prispevkov te znanstvene publikacije druži horizont sodobne teorije in filozofije, ne nazadnje tudi kritika globalnega kapitalizma. Ta kritika je nastajala že pred krizo, v obdobju pred letom 2008, ko smo bili med redkimi, ki – kot se je takrat govorilo – nismo videli vseh »prednosti kapitalizma«. Apolitični horizont in divji turbo neoliberalizem, ki ga je mogoče zgoščeno opisati s sintagmo maksimizacija smrti in maksimizacija dobička, kar je Achille Mbembe že leta 2003 imenoval nekropolitika, sta se vkopala pred našimi vrati, medtem ko je pri delavski mezdni večini nekropolitika že v kuhinji. Tako so se začeli celo največji teoretični omahljivci sklicevati na kritiko politične ekonomije in na radikalizirane oblike biopolitike.

Posted in ARCHIVE, books, news

Neonecronomicon – review article by Stanimir Panayotov (2014)

In this review article I detail the main underpinnings for the radical analysis of necropolitics as proposed by Marina Grzinic and Sefik Tatlic in a new theoretico-territorial-temporal framework. The aim is to situate the dyad bio/necro in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) after the fall of the Iron Curtain, post-9/11 and post-2008…

Posted in ARCHIVE, articles, news

Necropolitics, Racialization, and Global Capitalism (2014)

Historicization of Biopolitics and Forensics of Politics, Art, and Life

by Marina Gržinić and Šefik Tatlić

This book argues that necropolitics are a dominant, yet obscene, form of politics that sustains contemporary racism (racialization) as a primal ideology of global capitalism and connects globalization and its modernist narratives directly with colonialism. The book is important for those—and this means almost all of us—working with relations of modes of life and global capitalism and with articulations of political and epistemological principles onto which capitalism organizes its reproduction.

Posted in ARCHIVE, books, news

Dissident feminisms, anti-racist politics and artistic interventionist practices (2014)

Article published as part of ISSUE 4: Intervene! Artistic interventions. Collaborative and self-organized practices [ Focus: Anti-racist, feminist and queer perspectives]
Content Coordination: Rosa Reitsamer / Elke Zobl

Posted in ARCHIVE, articles, news

Bilokacija (Bilocation) (1990)

Post-socialism + Retroavant garde + Irwin, video, 1997

Deklica z oranžo (The Girl With Orange) (1987)

Moscow Portraits (1990)

Cindy Sherman or Hysteria Production Presents a Reconstruction of Sherman’s Photographs (1984)

Trenutki odločitve (Moments of Decision) (1985)

Labirint (Labyrinth) (1993)