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Marina Grzinic et Aina Smid, quarante ans d’art vidéo militant

Avec Marina Gržinić Marina Gržinic et Aina Šmid réalisent leurs premières vidéos expérimentales au début des années 1980, portées par le milieu punk et queer de Ljubljana (ex-Yougoslavie). Respectivement philosophe et historienne de l’art, elles développent alors un langage expérimental

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Our Story Dec 2021 – Feb 2022 / RELATIONS/ 25 Years Of The Lesbian Group ŠKUC-LL

Do you know the history of Europe’s First Queer Film festival ever?
Our Story Dec 2021 – Feb 2022 / RELATIONS/ 25 Years Of The Lesbian Group ŠKUC-LL

Posted in interviews, news

Handbook of Migration and Global Justice

This timely Handbook brings together leading international scholars from a range of disciplinary backgrounds and geopolitical perspectives to interrogate the intersections between migration and global justice. It explores how cross-border mobility and migration have been affected by rapid economic, cultural and technological globalisation, addressing the pressing questions of global justice that arise as governments respond to unprecedented levels of global migration.

Posted in books, news

Nekropolitika slovenske države, 30 let zgodovine

Slovenska nekropolitika deluje s tehnologijami izbrisa, ki se ponavljajo in spreminjajo, hkrati pa vztrajno temeljijo na dekontekstualizaciji. V zadnjem času se je tudi Slovencem nekropolitični akt, ki je bil dolgo časa zadeva “drugih”, začel kazati v novi luči – v obliki počasne smrti. Akumulacija kapitala za potrebe mafijske vlade v zadnjem obdobju živi od nekropolitične počasne smrti njenih prebivalcev.

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Theoretical Critical Horizons: Shifting Baselines

Edited by Jovita Pristovšek and Marina Gržinić

Authors: Marina Gržinić, Tjaša Kancler, Aleksandar Kraus, Shkëlzen Maliqi, Anyely Marín Cisneros, Dragomir Olujić Oluja, Stanimir Panayotov, Jovita Pristovšek, Šefik Tatlic

Published as part of the Shifting Baselines, an international project by Goethe Institut, Association Nagib, and Austrian Cultural Forum

Posted in journals, news


These days, the occident’s preoccupation is fatigue: tired of decolonizing universities, monuments, histories, and knowledge. But the white matrix of power is essentially working as a parasitic system: constantly sucking the lives, politics, and future from the “others.” White racism identifies with denial, and this is a key strategy towards racial discrimination and the maintenance of privilege to diminishing responsibility.[…]

This contribution is part of Issue 15: DECOLOMANIA, on art history, the history of politics, and the history of theory: all of them colonized and colonizing, much like our very selves.

Posted in journals, news

Rasni kapitalizem. Intersekcionalnost spolnosti, bojev in mejnih teles

Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination, and New Anthropology, entitled “Racial Capitalism. Intersectionality of Sexuality, Struggles and Bodies as Borders” (ČKZ, no.281, 2020, Ljubljana).

Edited by Tjaša Kancler and Marina Gržinić

Posted in journals, news

Bilokacija (Bilocation) (1990)

Post-socialism + Retroavant garde + Irwin, video, 1997

Deklica z oranžo (The Girl With Orange) (1987)

Moscow Portraits (1990)

Cindy Sherman or Hysteria Production Presents a Reconstruction of Sherman’s Photographs (1984)

Trenutki odločitve (Moments of Decision) (1985)

Labirint (Labyrinth) (1993)